
Twitter picks three colours for account verification; details here

Twitter picks three colours for account verification; details here

Twitter picks three colours for account verification; details here

Twitter account verification colour: Account verification procedure of twitter has been finally launched. Previously, every account had a blue tick, but there has been a change in which some accounts have turned gold. Last month Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, made the announcement on Twitter. “Sorry for the delay, we’re tentatively launching Verified on Friday […] The post Twitter picks three colours for account verification; details here appeared first on News24 English.

Twitter account verification colour: Account verification procedure of twitter has been finally launched. Previously, every account had a blue tick, but there has been a change in which some accounts have turned gold. Last month Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, made the announcement on Twitter. “Sorry for the delay, we’re tentatively launching Verified on Friday next week,” he twitted. “Gold check for companies, grey check for government, blue for individuals (celebrity or not) and all verified accounts will be manually authenticated before check activates,” the SpaceX owner added. He had previously tweeted about the use of different colours for different organisations and individuals, but only recently fleshed out the details. “All verified individual humans will have same blue check, as boundary of what constitutes “notable” is otherwise too subjective.” He tweeted. All verified individual humans will have same blue check, as boundary of what constitutes “notable” is otherwise too subjective. Individuals can have secondary tiny logo showing they belong to an org if verified as such by that org. Longer explanation next week. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 25, 2022 According to The Verge, despite warnings from Twitter’s own trust and safety staff, the microblogging platform’s ‘Twitter Blue’ subscriptions went live. Here are details of Twitter account verification colour: Soon after, a slew of ‘verified’ accounts began impersonating well-known people or brands. The saga began with a bogus Nintendo account posting an image of the well-known game character Mario raising his middle finger at the Twitter bird. Meanwhile, another fake Twitter account for the pharmaceutical company ‘Eli Lilly’ has emerged. It had tweeted that insulin was now available for free. According to The Verge, this has driven away many advertisers from the platform. Musk then pulled the 7.99 USD service just a few days after it was released. Musk took matters into his own hands, tweeting that any account that attempted to impersonate someone else would be disabled unless the user declared it to be a parody account. On Twitter account verification colour, Musk says it is inevitable process. no one can escape from this. Musk described the current multi-colored verification system as “painful but necessary.” He stated that a “longer explanation” of how the system would work would be released “next week.” The post Twitter picks three colours for account verification; details here appeared first on News24 English.


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