
The Trail of an Uplifting Fragrance

The Trail of an Uplifting Fragrance

The Trail of an Uplifting Fragrance

Incidentally, smell, being the most powerful link to emotions and feelings, is often overlooked and has only recently been strategically incorporated into interior designs

INTERIORSStrategic placement of fragrances throughout the entire house can be a challenging task as there are different elements that one must bear in mind during this procedure. Relying on an expert is something worth considering as their expertise will help in making a perfect choice. Fresh and clean fragrances best complement kitchen spaces; soothing, warm scents can be beautifully incorporated in the bedroom to create a relaxing ambiance; heady florals find a good home in any powder room as small spaces can be nicely treated to fresh scents; and clean fragrances are the most desired choice for living rooms.Interior design should indulge as many of our senses as possible- vision, hearing, touch and smell. When a space is envisioned, designed and created with the intent of intriguing as many senses as possible, only then will the space truly reach its full potential. Incidentally, smell, being the most powerful link to emotions and feelings, is often overlooked and has only recently been strategically incorporated into interior designs. "However, if you think about it, a scented room has the power to create a certain ambiance and mood; meaning that selecting a scent that best matches your space is just as important as hand picking furniture or art," says Nidhi Chawla, an interior designer. "Smell has the ability to have a strong effect on our experiences because it is processed in the olfactory cortex of the brain's limbic system, close to the area in which emotions, memories and feelings are stored. To put it simply, scents trigger emotional reactions," says Dr Mayuri Deka a clinical psychologist in the department of neurology at a leading private hospital of Guwahati. She explains, "The first time that we experience a particular scent, we associate it with events, people and emotions of the time. So, while entering a scented room, two things may happen: if the smell is familiar, old memories will be evoked, possibly offering a sense of nostalgia. If the smell is completely new, then new memories will be created." It has been proven through a number of studies that fragrance has an effect on a person's mood. In Chawla's words, "While choosing home fragrances do consider how it will harmonize with the surroundings and ensure that it complements the mood that you have curated through visual design." In the same way, each piece of furniture is chosen to match and fit in with the rest of the design, scents should be incorporated with already existing home fragrances in mind. Every smell, from cleaning products to pets and children, should be considered. You will want to avoid including a scent so strong that it monopolizes the entire room, possibly causing some kind of discomfort. Strategic placement of fragrances throughout the entire house can be a challenging task as there are different elements that one must bear in mind during this procedure. Relying on an expert is something worth considering as their expertise will help in making a perfect choice. "Fresh and clean fragrances best complement kitchen spaces; soothing, warm scents can be beautifully incorporated in the bedroom to create a relaxing ambiance; heady florals find a good home in any powder room as small spaces can be nicely treated to fresh scents; and clean fragrances are the most desired choice for living rooms," says Chawla. There are also certain fragrances that are believed to intrigue our minds and feelings in certain ways. "According to retailers who deal with a range of fragrance products (from fragrant oils to sprays), fragrances containing pine are believed to have the ability to stimulate conversation and this is why they are often found in living rooms, where people are most likely to socialize. The scent of a zesty lemon is considered to be the best neutralizer for a kitchen as kitchens are most likely to be the home of a mixture of smells. On the other hand, lavender's scent is known for causing relaxation and therefore it is a perfect match for the bedroom," informs Chawla. "And lastly, if you want to match your scent to the season, fresh citrus scents like orange and mandarin are popular choices during the hot summer months, when fresher scents are wanted," she adds. Chawla advises, "In addition to finding the right scents to meet your needs, you'll also want a top scent company to buy from. After all it is important to source your scents from a reliable specialty company to keep your air clean of harsh chemicals and your scents pure in effect." There are many different ways of pleasantly fragrancing an interior- scented candles, incense, essential oils, diffusers and potpourri. "Whichever method is selected, it should be used in such a way that the sense of cleanliness is enhanced, rather than creating a heavy atmosphere that leads to uneasy breathing. Candlelight, for example, always creates a relaxing environment and is a perfect visual decor as well. Burning incense to create a pleasant scent and tranquil atmosphere is another option; however, this method should be used with caution. Incense can be safely used as long as it is of good quality and used in moderation in a well-ventilated space. If leaving a candle or incense lit makes you feel a bit uneasy, then essential oils might be a better choice. Although the playful flickering of a candle is sacrificed, a pleasant scent will surely be accomplished," explains Chawla.Also Read: The Journey to the Exam HallAlso Watch: 


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