
Orientation programme on National Education Policy 2020 held at Assam’s Biswanath College of Education

Orientation programme on National Education Policy 2020 held at Assam’s Biswanath College of Education

Orientation programme on National Education Policy 2020 held at Assam’s Biswanath College of Education

The programme was hosted by A Handique, coordinator of CTEF, Biswanath. Around 22 schools of the locality were invited to attend the programme.

A CORRESPONDENTBISWANATH CHARIALI: Biswanath College of Education organized an orientation programme titled 'Implementation of National Education Policy 2020, on School Education' on Friday under IQAC in collaboration with CTEF, Biswanath. Prof N Bhagabati chaired as the resource person and delivered her speech on various aspects of NEP 2020. Dr B Hazarika, Principal conducted the entire programme. M Boruah, the coordinator of IQAC and CTEF Biswanath state delivered a valuable speech upholding the history of CTEF Assam. The programme was hosted by A Handique, coordinator of CTEF, Biswanath. Around 22 schools of the locality were invited to attend the programme. The programme was successfully conducted along with the invited high school and higher secondary teachers of the locality. Around 250 teacher trainees of Biswanath College of Education, governing body members, faculties of Biswanath College of Education participated in the programme.Also Read: Cycle rally held as part of National Unity Day celebration on Octo 31 to mark Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's birth anniversaryAlso Watch: 


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