
LinkedIn: How to spot fake profiles on the platform

LinkedIn: How to spot fake profiles on the platform

LinkedIn: How to spot fake profiles on the platform

LinkedIn has introduced new features to allow users to spot fake profiles and remove them from the platform. In a blogpost, Oscar Rodriguez, Vice president of product management, LinkedIn stated, “We are rolling out new features and systems to help you make more informed decisions about members that you are interacting with and enhancing our […] The post LinkedIn: How to spot fake profiles on the platform appeared first on BGR India.

LinkedIn has introduced new features to allow users to spot fake profiles and remove them from the platform. In a blogpost, Oscar Rodriguez, Vice president of product management, LinkedIn stated, “We are rolling out new features and systems to help you make more informed decisions about members that you are interacting with and enhancing our automated systems that keep inauthentic profiles and activity off our platform.” How to spot a fake LinkedIn profile LinkedIn has introduced a new “About this profile” feature that will show details like when it was created and when was it last updated, whether the phone number/ email ID associated with the profile are verified or not. The feature will be visible on each LinkedIn member’s profile page and will start rolling out for other sections this week, including viewing invitations and messages. As per the statement, “For work emails, our plan is to start with a limited number of companies, but you can expect to see this expansion as we add additional companies over time.” LinkedIn further reveals that many users use AI-based synthetic image generation technology, however, the platform’s deep-learning-based model checks for such images when a user uploads his/her profile photo. LinkedIn says that this way it can remove fake accounts even before they have a chance to reach out to others on the platform. Additionally, LinkedIn will add warnings to some messages on the platform. These messages can include high-risk content or might look like a sign of a scam. Users will also have a choice to report such messages without letting the sender know. As per the company’s blogpost, “We’re excited to start rolling out these new features. What you’ll see in the future are updates on how we’re finding new ways to improve automated systems for fake account detection and removal, plus more member features to help keep everyone safe.” The post LinkedIn: How to spot fake profiles on the platform appeared first on BGR India.


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