
Hyderabad: Water Board to cut supply over non-payment of bills

Hyderabad: Water Board to cut supply over non-payment of bills

Hyderabad: Water Board to cut supply over non-payment of bills

HMWS&SB MD Dana Kishore instructed the officials to focus on the collection of dues from commercial and non-free water scheme connections.

Hyderabad: Managing Director of Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) Dana Kishore urged people to pay their water bills promptly and said the supply will be disconnected over non-payment of dues. He instructed the officials to focus on the collection of dues from commercial and non-free water scheme connections. Kishore made it clear that the dues are to be collected from the defaulters and if not, the connection is to be removed. For the past few months, the water board has been focusing on increasing revenue. He said that there are over 1,000 commercial connections in the city whose bills have not been paid for a span of more than six months.


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