
Gisela Valcárcel after fine Gabriela Herrera for S/ 56,000: “Contracts have obligations”

Gisela Valcárcel after fine Gabriela Herrera for S/ 56,000: “Contracts have obligations”

Gisela Valcárcel after fine Gabriela Herrera for S/ 56,000: “Contracts have obligations”

Gabriela Herrera He surprised the public after revealing that he will have to face a penalty of 56,000 soles for having declared the program “Love and Fire” when he was participating in the reality show “El gran show”. Given this news, Gisela Valcárcel spoke out and distanced herself from the dancer by ensuring that all […]

Gabriela Herrera He surprised the public after revealing that he will have to face a penalty of 56,000 soles for having declared the program “Love and Fire” when he was participating in the reality show “El gran show”. Given this news, Gisela Valcárcel spoke out and distanced herself from the dancer by ensuring that all participants must comply with her contract. This has occurred after the production of América TV gave something to talk about in recent days, since other contestants, such as Gino Pesaressi, assured that there was favoritism on the dance floor. As you remember, the semifinal will take place on December 3, in which the former reality boy and Milena Zárate are on trial. What did Gisela Valcárcel say? “Señito” was excited about the final stretch of her program and stated that she was satisfied with the development of the participants. “Yesterday I saw the rehearsals and they are so good at what they do and so dedicated… It’s fabulous, that’s the word… today they will enjoy it,” she told Trome. She also referred to the situation of Gabriela Herrera and stressed that she is not aware of the legal area of ​​”El gran show”. “I don’t see the legal part that has to do with contracts, it would be too much and time doesn’t give me. But it is a fact that, when I sign a contract with someone, there are obligations on both sides and those must be fulfilled, in this case, by the producer and the artist”, he added. On the other hand, Gino Pesaressi’s comments went through lukewarm water. “In fact, it is emotions that play against us when we are under pressure, and so one says things that he did not mean, it happens to many of us,” he mentioned to the aforementioned medium. Gabriela Herrera and the excessive amount of money that she will pay to Gisela Valcárcel. Photo: LR composition / ATV capture / América TV capture Gabriela Herrera attacks contestants of “El gran show” Gabriela Herrera specified to “Love and fire” the clauses that her contract had. “I can’t talk to any channel. Everything I do, they send it to me by WhatsApp and they have me tied up because I would love to speak and say what I think, but I can’t because I already have a problem, “said the artist at the beginning. “The fine is S/ 56,000. It is not only the declaration to other people, but there are also other things there that have been touched on, that we are talking to them about. There are many things behind that they don’t know,” he added. He also took advantage of the cameras to refer to his former colleagues. “I feel like many were hypocrites. People don’t like to be told the truth to their faces and that’s wrong,” she mentioned.


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